Inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology took samples at the site of the oil spill in Bugulminsky district

14 September 2023, Thursday

The South-Eastern Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan received a message from the Main Directorate of the Ministry of Emergency Situations of Russia for the Republic of Tatarstan about a spill of petroleum products near the village of Karabash Bugulminsky district, at the site of the oil and gas production workshop No. 1, owned by the Leninogorskneft oil and gas production department. Ecologists of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration promptly went to the place. During the initial inspection of the territory, it was found that as a result of the breakage of the polished shaft of the well, a technological liquid spill occurred. Two contaminated sites were found. The area of contamination at the site of the stem breakage was 120 sq.m. On the second plot, the area was 200 sq.m. Soil samples were taken by laboratory specialists. Now the samples are in the works. At the time of inspection of the territory by employees of NGDU "Leninogorskneft", work was underway to eliminate the spill.

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