We continue to tell you about the most beautiful places of Tatarstan in our section "Econevidal". Today we will introduce you to the spring of Saints in the Leninogorsk district

4 September 2023, Monday

Today in our section "Econevidal" we will tell you about the spring of Saints in the village of Karkali, Leninogorsk district. The source is located on Sovetskaya Street near the Leninogorsk-Shugurovo highway, passing through the entire village of Karakuli. The spring originates at the foot of the mountain slope, in the valley of the Lesnaya Sheshma River.

According to legend, dervishes who performed Hajj once passed here. They walked from afar, tired and they washed themselves with meltwater at the foot of the mountain, read prayers and rested. After a while, spring water broke through at the place where they rested and prayed. That is why the locals gave the source the name – the spring of Saints.

Now the spring is beautifully decorated, it is decorated with a sculpture of a woman in a traditional Tatar costume. On the girl's neck is a necklace with a key pendant.

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