Environmentalists checked the information about the discharge of foam into the Poduvalie in Otary village of the Privolzhsky district of Kazan

14 August 2023, Monday

According to the received information about the discharge of foam sewage into the Poduvalie channel in the village of Otary of the Privolzhsky district of Kazan, inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology carried out several field visits. During the first survey of the territory, no foam was found. According to local residents, the discharge into the channel is carried out early in the morning, in this regard, the inspectors re-left for the place at 5 am. During the re-departure, the discharge of foam wastewater was recorded, inspectors took samples of sewage and natural water.  Also, inspectors and laboratory specialists together with the Kazan Interdistrict Environmental Prosecutor's Office conducted another field survey, during which samples of wastewater and natural water were taken.

After the results of the analysis become known, measures will be taken within the framework of the current legislation.

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