The project of the Ministry of Ecology on the reintroduction of the Saker falcon on the 2nd place in the voting for the national award "Crystal Compass"

4 August 2023, Friday

The project to revive the population of the red book saker falcon according to the preliminary results of the Internet voting of the national award "Crystal Compass" took 2nd place. Deputy Minister of Ecology Yegor Tarnavsky told about the implementation of the project at a press conference at the Republican Agency for Press and Mass Communications "Tatmedia" today. The press conference was also attended by Deputy Chairman of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society in the Republic of Tatarstan - Executive Director of the A. I. Shchepovskikh Regional Public Foundation – Andrey Agarkov. 

According to Yegor Tarnavsky, the project to restore the population of the red Book Saker falcon is being implemented by the A. I. Shchepovskikh Regional Public Fund for Environmental Protection under the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan. Last year, the project became the winner of the SIBUR grant competition "Formula of Good Deeds".

"The project was implemented on the territory of the village of Tenishevo, Kamsko-Ustinsky district. This choice is not accidental: the last time the Saker was met in these places. The project has now been successfully completed, all the birds have taken to the wing and are now independently procure food," the Deputy minister said.

He noted that the volunteer camp was taken out of the Kamsko-Ustinsky district on August 2 and thanked the KFU students for their active participation in the project.

"The main stages of the project were the delivery of chicks to the Kamsko-Ustinsky district, the installation of hacks for birds, the organization of a tent camp of volunteers to ensure the feeding and preservation of birds, and then their release into their natural habitat. The project was organized with the support of the scientific community and with the involvement of volunteers, mainly students of the Institute of Fundamental Medicine and Biology of KFU," Andrei Agarkov said.

Let us recall that the implementation of the reintroduction project will increase the population of rare species of falcons, and will also provide prerequisites for the revival of the Volga-Kama Saker falcon population on the territory of the republic. The last time the nesting of the Saker falcon was recorded in Tatarstan in 1974 on the territory of the Saralinsky section of the Volga-Kama Reserve.

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