The most active participants of the "Recycling School: Electronics" program were awarded in Tatarstan

26 July 2023, Wednesday

A diploma from the Fund for Rational Nature Management and gifts from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan were presented to students of the Kulle-Kimin school named after Sibgat Khakim of the Atninsky district of Tatarstan for active participation in the program "Recycling School: Electronics". The guys of this school, despite the holidays, took the initiative themselves and collected the used scrap metal from the residents of the district in order to hand it over for recycling together. Schoolchildren were so carried away by this environmental project that they even drew motivational posters, dedicating them to the topic of waste recycling and respect for nature. The children's works will participate in the Eco-poster competition of the Fund for Rational Nature Management.

"The main purpose of such joint events is, of course, to introduce our children and our residents to environmental practices. Our future depends on our actions in the present, and it's great that the guys of this school not only collected the scrap metal themselves, but also attracted all the residents," said Olga Artemyeva, head of the Environmental Education Department of the Ministry.

As part of the award ceremony, prizes and gifts were also received by the most active schoolchildren who attracted their relatives and friends to the campaign.

"In Soviet times, there was a good eco–friendly tradition - to recycle waste paper and scrap metal, but times are changing, and today modern schoolchildren bring electronics, one of the fastest growing waste in the world. So, the new generation not only participates in real environmental activities, but also teaches peers, parents and teachers by their own example to take care of nature, to give a second life to used equipment, handing it over for safe disposal, and not throwing it on the landfill," said Tatiana Gainutdinova, head of the Recycling School: Electronics program.

Let us recall that the Agreement on cooperation between the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Fund for Rational Nature Management was signed in September last year.   The main goal of the project is to provide an opportunity for residents to transfer expired equipment to recycling in an environmentally friendly and convenient way, as well as to promote environmental education and enlightenment of the younger generation. At the beginning of this year, the results of this federal environmental program were summed up, where Tatarstan became the winner in the nomination "Best start and coverage of the program "Recycling School: Electronics".  In less than a year, Tatarstan has collected almost 100 tons of electrical scrap.

This year, students of educational institutions that have joined the "Recycling School: Electronics" program can take part in the "Eco-poster" competition. To do this, you need to prepare a poster with the announcement of the action "Recycling School: electronics". An exhibition of competitive works will be organized in each school participating in the program. Photos of students' works will need to be posted on the website and social networks of the educational institution, indicating the full name of the author and the class with the hashtag #SchoolUtilizationElectronics. Photos should be sent to the post office with a note: "Eco-poster contest".  The winners of the contest will receive valuable prizes – tablets.


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