Let's save nature together! Employees of the Ministry of Ecology held an eco-lesson in Leninogorsk kindergarten No. 2

24 July 2023, Monday

An eco-lesson on caring for nature was held by inspectors of the South-Eastern Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan in kindergarten No. 2 in Leninogorsk. The children were told about the boundless forests of our republic and about the amazing inhabitants of these forests. They taught the kids simple rules of behavior in the forest:

- do not pollute nature, clean up the garbage after yourself;

- do not collect or eat unknown berries and mushrooms;

- do not break branches and do not strip the bark, do not carve anything on trees;

- don't pull out the plants;

- don't make fires.

"The main purpose of such classes is the formation of environmental knowledge and fostering a careful attitude to nature. Thanks to eco-lessons, preschool children learned about the rules of behavior in nature. I believe that it is necessary to instill love for the world around us from early childhood. Now the guys know the rules, and I am sure that they will be more attentive to nature," says Lyasan Gabdulakhatova, inspector of the South-Eastern TA of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan.

In memory of the eco-meeting, employees of the Ministry of Ecology presented the children with a book "On the results of nature conservation in the Republic of Tatarstan".


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