At the reception of citizens in Nurlat, residents were told where to turn on issues related to garbage

20 June 2023, Tuesday

In the city of Nurlat, the Tatar environmental interdistrict Prosecutor of the Republic of Tatarstan, Ayrat Nizamiev, held a personal reception of citizens. The head of the South-Eastern Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan Lenar Shaidullin, the head of the executive committee of the Nurlat district and the head of the State Institution "Nurlat Forestry" took part in it. In total, 5 people asked questions. Nurlat residents voiced problems related to ecology. These are unauthorized landfills, including those that are formed due to untimely removal of municipal solid waste, maintenance of the adjacent territory, pollution of reservoirs, etc.

"Specialists of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration conduct on-site surveys daily to identify unauthorized landfills, as well as specialized waste storage sites where garbage is not taken out in a timely manner. According to the results of inspections, a warning is issued to the owners of land plots, then control is carried out over the liquidation of unauthorized landfills. We would like to remind you that regional operators are responsible for the timely export of MSW, which are subject to federal environmental supervision, so we transfer all materials to Rosprirodnadzor," Lenar Shaidullin, head of the South-Eastern TA of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, answered questions.


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