Kindness will save the world! Tomorrow we will announce the first winners of the #GoodnessRelay

7 June 2023, Wednesday

At the beginning of the year, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan launched #GoodnessRelay. The marathon will run for a year, but we will learn the names of the first three winners tomorrow at the awarding ceremony of the winners of the contest "Eco-World 2023".  

For six months, the relay has already had 80 participants, more than 100 good deeds and so far only three winners. Tomorrow we will announce:

- the most active participant;

- the most active school/kindergarten;

- the most active organization/department

The solemn ceremony of awarding the #GoodnessRelay will be held on June 8 in the Extreme Park "Uram". The ceremony starts at 10.30.

The following results of the relay of good will be summed up in December at the Eco-leader competition. You can still join the flash mob. The conditions are simple: take a photo or record a video, post it on your page on the VKontakte social network, put the hashtags #GoodnessRelay #Ministry of Ecology and pass the baton to another participant, marking him in the post. (The profiles of the contestants must be open).

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