586 thousand Tatarstan citizens took part in the ecological two-month period

23 May 2023, Tuesday

More than 586 thousand Tatarstan citizens have already become participants of the traditional sanitary and ecological two-month event, which started on April 1. More than 16 thousand units of special equipment were involved in the work. 633 thousand trees and shrubs were planted.

In total, since the beginning of the sanitary and ecological two-month period in Tatarstan, the supervisory authorities of ministries and departments have identified 6,496 violations, most of them (5,286) have already been eliminated. 1,622 protocols were drawn up, administrative fines totaling 1 million 820 thousand rubles were imposed. 4,599 unauthorized landfills have been identified in Tatarstan, of which 3,972 (86.4%) have been liquidated. The public reception received 4,543 appeals from residents of the region.

Municipalities have removed 393.3 thousand cubic meters of solid household waste since the beginning of the two-month period. Enterprises of the transport complex of the republic collected 4,865 cubic meters of solid household waste on the right-of-way lanes of public roads of regional and federal significance.

More than 3 thousand people and 287 units of special equipment are involved in the two-month period every day.

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan will sum up the results of the sanitary two-month period in a week. The winners of the Eco-spring 2023 contest will also be announced.


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