Environmentalists promptly left on the complaint of residents and took samples of water in the lake Nizhny Kaban

10 May 2023, Wednesday

The Ministry of Ecology received a message from concerned residents of Kazan, who at the weekend recorded the discharge of foam into Lake Nizhny Kaban in the Volga region. Today, inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration and specialists of the laboratory of the Ministry went to the place. During the survey of the territory, no foam was found in the lake, but samples of natural water were taken.

It is worth noting that such complaint has already been received by the Ministry of Ecology. Then environmentalists together with the applicant immediately went to the place and found a pipe from which sewage was discharged into the lake. Samples of sewage and natural water were taken from the site. Now the samples are in the works. To establish the balance holder of this pipe, a request was sent to the Committee of External Improvement of Kazan.

After the results of the analysis become known, and the balance holder of the pipe is installed, measures will be taken within the framework of the current legislation.

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