Clean-ups continue in Tatarstan within the framework of the sanitary two-month period

4 May 2023, Thursday

Residents of Alekseevsky and Chistopolsky districts together with environmentalists of the Volga-Kama territorial Administration of the Ministry held clean-ups. By joint efforts, it turned out to collect 30 cubic meters of garbage in each district.

The same amount of garbage was collected by residents of the village of Staraya Chekalda in the Agryzsky district. The villagers took part in garbage collection and cleaning of the territory from household waste. "This is a great example of citizens' consciousness and concern for the environment, which we all need to follow," the Ministry's inspectors say.

Employees of the South-Eastern TA of the Ministry of Ecology organized their own clean-up. Residents of the villages of Devyaternya and Sosnovo also joined the environmental campaign. In their settlements, they cleaned up the rubble, cleared the territory near schools and kindergartens, as well as near the paramedic-obstetric station.

Not only adults, but also children participate in the campaigns. For example, students of Pestrechinsky school No. 2 together with their parents cleaned garbage on the school grounds.

Clean-ups were also held on water bodies. Specialists of the Northern TA cleared the territory near the Shakir spring in the Arsky district. They were supported by children from the Buinsky kindergarten "Teremok", who together with teachers removed more than 1.5 km of the bank of the Karla River.

The sanitary two-month period continues; join our campaigns and clean-ups!

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