Aznakaevsky kids went on an excursion to the forest together with the inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology

2 May 2023, Tuesday

Ecologists of the Priiksky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an environmental lesson in the form of a trip to the forest for preschoolers of the Aznakaevsky kindergarten "Solnyshko".

The children were happy to perform special eco-tasks together with our inspectors, for example, they learned how to collect garbage after a walk in the forest, learned how to behave correctly so as not to harm plants and animals, guessed which trees and shrubs grow in Aznakaevo. The children also visited the forest owner Forest dweller, who explained to the kindergarten students how to behave safely in nature and how to protect it!

For their active participation, the young environmentalists received a gift from the Ministry of Ecology.

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