Ecologists told the preschool children of the Pestrechinsky district about sorting garbage and its processing

26 April 2023, Wednesday

In the Pestrechinsky district, inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an informative eco-lesson on sorting garbage and its processing for pupils of kindergarten No. 2 "Skazka" of Kuyuki village.

Environmentalists explained to the kids that garbage recycling is the process of turning waste into new products, and also told about various recycling methods. Despite the fact that the lesson was for pre-school children, it turned out that children already know why it is so important to properly sort waste and what happens to sorted garbage next. "Such lessons help children to understand that taking care of the environment is an important and integral element of modern society," the environmentalists noted.

The children told the experts about how they take care of the environment and collect batteries. The educators promised to hold more such events.

At the end, the pre-school children received a coloring book as a gift from the inspectors.


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