Today is the All-Russian Day of Young environmentalists

25 April 2023, Tuesday

On April 25, the All-Russian Day of Young environmentalists is celebrated in all regions of Russia. Young environmentalists are true friends and defenders of nature, children who love, cherish and protect the environment. Specifically for this day, ecologists of the territorial departments of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan have prepared thematic classes.

Specialists of the Department of Environmental Education and interaction with public organizations of the Ministry conducted an educational lesson " Young environmentalists are for clean air" for students of the 3rd grade of gymnasium No. 18 of Kazan. The children learned what negative factors affect the environment and what are the sources of air pollution.

And the inspectors of the Zavolzhsky TA introduced the kids of the Buinsky kindergarten "Teremok" with a Clever Girl, a Christmas tree, a Naughty Boy and a Quiet One.  Ecologists told who young environmentalists are and what they do.

In the kindergarten of the combined type No. 22 in Chistopol a solemn dedication of pupils to the ranks of young environmentalists took place. The event was attended by specialists of the Volga-Kama Department. Environmentalists, in turn, held a conversation about environmental protection.

And in kindergarten No. 82 of Naberezhnye Chelny, they held an "Young environmentalists Day". On this day, thematic events aimed at the development of environmental education and culture of children were organized. Games, tasks, relay races have become a fun addition to the holiday.

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