Voluntary clean-ups continue in Tatarstan

24 April 2023, Monday

Within the framework of the sanitary and ecological two-month period, ecologists of territorial administrations, activists, volunteers and simply caring residents actively participate in campaigns and continue to restore order in the districts of the Republic.

So, in the birch grove of the village of Myrny in Kazan clean-up day was held. General cleaning here took place in the format of "Clean Games". Inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan also joined the campaign. In total, more than 25 thousand people took part in the cleaning of territories in Kazan, more than 250 units of various equipment were involved. And in Buinsk, teachers of the kindergarten "ABVGDEIKa" and students of the 8th grades of gymnasium No. 2 came out to clean up. By joint efforts, the bank of the Karl River and the Bezymyannaya River were cleared. In the Yutazinsky district, sanitization campaigns are also continuing. In total, more than 300 local residents took part in the clean-up, 68 cubic meters of garbage were removed. Such events are also held in the Agryzsky district. 

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