Environmentalists of the Buinsky district conduct raids of territories falling into the flooding zone

10 April 2023, Monday

In order to prevent contamination of water bodies during the flood and to exclude the ingress of diffuse effluents into rivers and lakes, inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan regularly conduct raids to survey territories falling into the zone of possible flooding.

So environmentalists have already checked the Sviyaga river near the settlement of Sviyazhny in the Apastovsky district. At the time of the survey, no environmental violations were found.

Specialists also checked the Sviyaga river in the village of Kiyat of the Buinsky district. Due to a sharp rise in the water level in this area, the bridge of the Buinsk – Kiyat highway was flooded.  The houses of residents did not get into the flooding zone.

The raids continue.

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