Environmentalists have revealed illegal dumping of liquid waste in the village of Tukayevsky district

14 March 2023, Tuesday

The Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan received a message about the spill of liquid waste on agricultural fields in the village of Chershely. 

Inspectors of the Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with employees of Rosprirodnadzor, promptly went to the place. During the survey, the fact of the spill was confirmed. Soil contamination occurred as a result of depressurization of the pipe with which LLC "Kamsky Bacon" pumped liquid waste of animal husbandry.  To prevent contaminated sewage from entering the water body, the spill was localized by employees of Kamsky Bacon LLC. Soil sampling was carried out by specialists of the Rosprirodnadzor laboratory.

Since the Kamsky Bacon enterprise is subject to federal state environmental supervision, all materials on this fact were transferred to the Volga-Kama Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor for response measures. 

Additionally, we inform you that today the specialists of the Prikamsky TA of the Ministry of the Republic of Tatarstan have repeatedly left for the place. At the time of the survey of the territory, there was no threat of liquid waste entering the water body.


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