How to help birds in winter was explained by inspectors of the Zavolzhsky TA to young naturalists from Buinsk

28 February 2023, Tuesday

Ecologists of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an eco-lesson for young naturalists of the M. M. Vakhitov gymnasium in Buinsk, where they told how to help feathered friends survive the winter.

Environmentalists explained to the children that winter is the most difficult time for birds, but even in severe frosts they can survive if they have enough food. The students learned how to feed birds in winter and what a balanced menu should be so that feathered guests could more easily endure the ordeal of frosts – these are oats, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, wheat bread crumbs, millet and dried berries. And here is a list of what should not be in the diet: rye bread, banana peel and citrus fruits – all this is dangerous for birds. "Such meetings help children improve their environmental literacy, as well as not only learn something new, but also understand how to help the environment," says an employee of the Zavolzhsky TA.

Children were also told that the house of feathered friends should have two wide holes (entrance and exit) so that it would be easier for them to leave the feeder at any time.

At the end of the event, the guys together with the employees of the Ministry of Ecology went outside to apply their knowledge in practice. Young naturalists fed the birds with the right food and received memorable gifts – coloring books from our ecologists for the lesson learned. The event contributes to the achievement of the goals of the national project "Ecology"


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