Vladimir Putin: "The priority is the further elimination of old landfills and objects of accumulated damage"

21 February 2023, Tuesday

Today, as part of his annual Address to the Federation Council, Vladimir Putin also spoke about environmental issues. In particular, he noted that one of the priorities in this area is the elimination of old landfills and objects of accumulated damage. The Samosyrov landfill is currently being recultivated in Tatarstan within the framework of the federal project "Clean Country" of the "Ecology" national project. By June 2023, the contractor of the project — LLC "Yadran-Stroy" — expects to finish all the work and connect three gas piston units to generate electricity from gases exiting the landfill body. Let us recall that the landfill "Samosyrovo" was created in 2004, and in 2017 it was decided to close it, but even after the completion of the landfill, the Ministry of Ecology continued to receive complaints about the quality of atmospheric air in this area of Kazan. On behalf of the Head of Tatarstan Rustam Minnikhanov, the Ministry of Ecology has begun to search for the technology of recultivation of the landfill of MSW "Samosyrovo". It was decided not just to reclaim, but also to use the gases coming from the landfill body for good – that is, to apply an active degassing system. 

"We know that it is possible to simply recultivate — insert pipes so that the gas that is formed after rotting comes out. But our task was to ensure that the gas did not escape into the atmosphere, but became a source of electricity. Tatneft supported us with this idea, they were ready to finance research work on the selection of technologies," said Alexander Shadrikov, Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan.

Together with specialists of PJSC Tatneft and Prombiogaz LLC, the Scientific and Technical Council of the Ministry considered five technologies. The system of active degassing Multrivel was chosen — a method according to which a set of vertical flexible wells are immersed in the body of the landfill and connected to horizontal wells along the surface. Thanks to this, it is possible to collect up to 95% of all biogas and use it to generate electricity.

For Russia, a project on this scale is considered a pilot project. Active degassing using the "Multirivel" system is used in the Samara and Moscow regions, but the facilities there are small. As a result, after the completion of all works, the gas in the two cells of the Samosyrov landfill will last for about 20 to 25 years with the production of 1.3 megawatts of electricity. The cost of all works is over 872 million. The population, whose quality of life will improve, reaches 342 thousand people.

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