Eco-lesson "Sorting together!" was held by our ecologists for young conservationists

12 December 2022, Monday

Inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan conducted an environmental lesson "Sorting together!" for pupils of Kazan kindergarten No. 24.

Environmentalists explained to the children why it is important to sort garbage and what they get from recyclables. In order to consolidate all the knowledge, environmentalists held a relay game, where children independently sorted glass, iron, paper and more. Now our pre-school children know how to sort garbage properly.

"Children together with their parents participate in environmental campaigns every year. This year, our children collected about 400 kg of waste paper, thereby saving 8 trees," kindergarten teacher Ilsiyar Hasanova shared the achievements of her pupils.

Young conservationists were awarded with memorable gifts from the Ministry of Ecology.

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