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24 November 2022, Thursday

1600 children of Tatarstan have already been involved in the Young Naturalists movement and now schoolchildren and eco-activists continue to join the ranks of Young Naturalists.

Let us recall that the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, together with the Regional Branch of the Russian Geographical Society of the Republic of Tatarstan and interested organizations, have been reviving the Young Naturalists movement since 2018. The Young Naturalists are a children's movement united by the same ideas: love for nature, a desire to learn its laws, a careful attitude to everything living on Earth.

Republican contests, campaigns for eco-activists, as well as a Gathering of young scientists with the support of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan are held annually in Tatarstan. In 2022, the V Meeting of Young Naturalists of the Republic of Tatarstan was held at the Baitik camp, 220 children from 30 districts of Tatarstan took part in it. Such events contribute to the achievement of the goals of the national project "Ecology", aimed at the development of environmental education, respect for the human environment.

How the youngsters unite to help nature, check out the video.

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