Ecological autumn in kindergartens

14 November 2022, Monday

Inspectors of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan visited Tatarstan preschool children. In Naberezhnye Chelny, ecologists of the Kama territorial Administration at the Eco Autumn festival in kindergarten No. 66 "Funny Notes" together with the kids answered the questions what are the signs of autumn and why birds fly south. The guys solved riddles and pleased the inspectors with their own handicraft from improvised materials.

The autumn holiday was also held in the kindergarten "Bell" of the Kukmor district. Inspectors of the Northern Territorial Administration acted as a jury at this fashion show. Pre-school children arranged a fashion show of costumes made of discarded materials for environmentalists. The children said that they have an active "ECO-workshop of ideas", where master classes on making original souvenirs from recycled materials are held.

Also, specialists of the Northern TA visited the autumn matinee in the Arsky kindergarten No. 2. The kids, together with the teachers, prepared an exciting scenario for the inspectors, where they read poems and sang songs about the golden autumn. Our ecologists, together with the children, remembered the rules of behavior in nature and about separate garbage collection in a playful way.

All the guys traditionally received memorable prizes from the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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