Tatarstan has entered the TOP 5 leading regions for waste paper collection

3 November 2022, Thursday

Over 1.2 million kg of recyclable materials were collected by more than 500 thousand participants of the All-Russian waste paper collection campaign #Boombattle, which is held in support of the national project "Ecology". Among the best participants is Tatarstan, which entered the top five. In a month and a half, residents of the republic collected 24.3 tons of waste paper. 

"Now work across the country to build a circular economy is underway, many measures are being implemented within the framework of the national Ecology project: this includes building a structure for separate waste collection, and creating capacities for their processing and recycling," said Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation Victoria Abramchenko. #Boombattle solves an urgent task – it increases the level of awareness of Russians about the importance of sorting, thereby contributing to the return to circulation of a significant amount of waste paper, the Deputy Prime Minister of the Russian Federation noted. 

Residents of Russia will learn about the possibilities of separate collection and recycling of household waste at eco-educational events that take place in support of Boombattle throughout the country: excursions to processing plants, eco-lessons and eco-lectures for schoolchildren and students. Such events have already taken place in 48 regions.

Acceptance of waste paper continues until November 15. You can view the reception points by following the link https://бумбатл .national projects.rf/.

For reference:

#Boombattle is the largest waste paper collection campaign in the country. It is held on the initiative of the ANO "National Priorities" with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation. #Boombattle is implemented in support of the national project "Ecology". Over two seasons, more than 1.2 million people joined it, more than 3.1 thousand tons of waste paper were collected, this is more than 62 thousand preserved trees. Eco-educational events are held in support of the campaign: excursions to processing plants, eco-lessons and lectures for schoolchildren and students. Anyone can conduct their own environmental lesson, all materials are available on the бумбатл.рф website.

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