The number of complaints to the Ministry of Ecology has decreased 2.5 times in 4 years

25 October 2022, Tuesday

Today, Alexander Shadrikov answered the questions of readers of the online publication "Real Time" . In particular, the Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources told how things are with unauthorized landfills and where to write if a particular reservoir in your area needs environmental rehabilitation. Within an hour, the head of the department communicated with residents on a direct line in the "question-answer" format. As the minister noted, more than 13 thousand complaints about unauthorized waste disposal came to the department 4 years ago. Last year there were 6,700 of them. In 4 years, the number of complaints has more than halved. "The best indicator of our work is the reduction of complaints from residents, and we see that the decrease is by 30% every year. It means that we, together with the residents, our like-minded people, are solving these problems. And today, 30% of our residents go out on clean-ups every year, and those who clean up will definitely not litter," Alexander Shadrikov said. He recalled that the Ministry turns 30 in December. Data is collected for this period, which allows us to talk about improving the quality of atmospheric air. For example, GRP in comparable figures has grown 2.6 times during this time, while reducing emissions into the atmosphere by 21.4%. In this regard, it is impossible not to mention such joint activities as Operation Clean Air. Mobile sources, i.e. motor transport, accounted for 27% of the total emissions of pollutants into the atmospheric air in 2021. The operation "Clean Air" is designed to monitor compliance with the emission standards of pollutants in exhaust gases. It is held annually jointly with the Department of the State Road Safety Inspectorate of the Ministry of Internal Affairs of the Republic of Tatarstan and in recent years the number of cars with excess emissions of pollutants is decreasing: if in 1994 there were 27.5% of the total number of such cars checked, then this year there are only 2.8%. This trend is associated with the gradual renewal of the car fleet, as well as the production and sale of motor fuel with improved environmental characteristics at the gas stations of the republic. Work is also continuing on the conversion of motor transport to low-toxic types of motor fuel, and above all – to compressed natural gas. In 2022, 867 cars were converted to natural gas.

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