"Where does the snow leopard live?" Environmentalists of the Zavolzhsky TA told the Buinsk first-graders

21 October 2022, Friday

"Where does the snow leopard live?" Environmentalists of the Zavolzhsky TA told the Buinsk first-graders

On the eve of the International Snow Leopard Day, which is celebrated annually on October 23, inspectors of the Zavolzhsky Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan held an informative environmental lesson for first-graders of Buinsky Lyceum No. 2.

"The snow leopard is a unique animal from the feline family, which is listed in the Red Book because of its small number and the risk of being among the endangered species. This predator lives high in the mountains and does not know how to growl at all, but they can purr, unlike leopards and other big cats. He also has wide paws, so he does not fall into the snow and walks noiselessly on the rocks," the inspectors told the children about the features of this red book animal.

The children were also reminded that for many animals the forest is a real home, therefore, people should behave carefully in the forest, observing special rules of behavior.

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