Have time to hand over the waste paper and win the main prize – a meeting with the star of BoomBattle

11 October 2022, Tuesday

The campaign to collect waste paper #BoomBattle takes place from September 15 to November 15, 2022 in all regions of the country in support of the national project "Ecology". The campaign is organized with the support of the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Science and Higher Education of the Russian Federation and partners of the action, including large Russian companies, public organizations and volunteer associations.

To participate, you must:

1) Take the waste paper to one of the reception points marked on the Map https://бумбатл .national projects.rf/#how;

2) Post on social media (VKontakte and/or Odnoklassniki) with the hashtags #BoomBattle, #national project ecology;

3) Apply for participation on the promotion website https://бумбатл .national projects.rf/

All the rules of the promotion are here: https://бумбатл .national projects.rf/static/Full%20references%20references%20BumBatl.pdf

It should be noted that the campaign has been organized for the third year in a row in support of the national project "Ecology". Last year, more than 900 thousand people from 83 regions of Russia took part in the event. The guys collected more than 2.5 thousand tons of waste paper in two weeks.

For reference:

The national project "Ecology" is among 14 national projects approved by the decree of the President of the Russian Federation.  The aim of the project is to improve the environmental situation in Russia and create comfortable living conditions in the country. The work on the national project is carried out in five directions: waste disposal and recycling, preservation of reservoirs and improvement of drinking water quality, reduction of air pollution, protection of nature and animals, introduction of the best environmental technologies.

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