More than 900 kilograms of waste paper were collected at the Yardam festival

3 October 2022, Monday

The day before, on the square in front of the Saidash cultural center, a charity ecological festival "Yardam" was held, which was supported by the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan and the Federal Agency for Youth Affairs (Rosmolodezh).

Caring residents of Kazan came to do a good deed – to hand over recyclables to help orphanages and specialized centers.

Eco-village fair, sites with master classes, games and competitions were organized for all participants of the festival, which helped to learn and develop new eco-habits. And of course, there was a recycling collection point, where it turned out to collect 972 kg of waste paper and 14 kg of plastic. All proceeds received from the delivery of recyclables to operators will go to orphans.

And the families who handed over a large amount of recyclable materials received letters of thanks and valuable prizes.

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