The banks of the rivers have become cleaner: in the regions of the Republic, campaigns were held to clean up reservoirs

22 September 2022, Thursday

As part of the action "Water of Russia" of the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology", campaigns to clean the shores of reservoirs were held in the territorial departments of the Ministry. So, in Chistopol, almost 70 people came out to clean the banks of the Kama River, including specialists of the Volga-Kama TA, employees of the executive committee and representatives of enterprises. Together, 15 cubic meters of garbage were collected and about 2.5 km were cleaned.

They also went out to clean up in the Apastovsky district. Ecologists of the Zavolzhsky TA and teachers of the Apastovsky Agrarian College cleaned more than 3 km of the bank of the Tabarka River and collected more than 4 cubic meters of waste.

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