Alexander Shadrikov: "If we want to invest in eternity, we need to invest in people!"

17 September 2022, Saturday

Today, the All-Russian clean-up day "Green Russia" was held on Lake Izumrudnoye. 398 Tatarstan citizens took part in it. The environmental campaign was held in the format of "Clean Games". 106 teams collected 2,246 kilograms of garbage within an hour and a half, including 80 bags of plastic, 89 bags of glass, 22 bags of metal and 424 kilograms of tires. The participants were assisted by employees of the Ministry of Ecology and divers of the regional branch of the Russian Geographical Society. 

As part of the clean-up, Ecology Minister Alexander Shadrikov met with representatives of environmental public organizations.

"If we want to invest in eternity, we need to invest in people, and the best investments are investments in our children. At a forum in Kamchatka, Vladimir Putin supported the idea of reviving the movement of young people. Back in 2018, our ministry took the young naturalists under its wing, since then we have started to work actively with them. The guys are very active, they come to clean-ups not only themselves, but also bring their parents with them," the minister said. 

The social activists asked the Minister to support their request to include the subject "Ecology" in the school curriculum. Alexander Shadrikov said that the ministry is working on this idea and now there are eco-classes in 103 schools in Tatarstan. "On behalf of the President of the Republic of Tatarstan, environmental textbooks for grades 1-5 have also been developed. The books have been printed and some of them have been distributed. This is done as part of extracurricular activities. Our scientists and teachers have developed a methodology for teaching ecology," he said.  Also, in the near future, excursions to enterprises will be organized for schoolchildren, which in the future will help the children decide on a profession. It should be noted that there were a lot of young activists at the clean-up today. After all, ecology is what unites us all! 

The event was held within the framework of the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" of the national project "Ecology".



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