Excess of the MAC for hydrogen sulfide was revealed in "Salavat Kupere" microdistrict

23 August 2022, Tuesday

On August 22, the mobile laboratory of the Ministry of Ecology left again following complaints from residents of the Salavat Kupere microdistrict. Atmospheric air sampling was carried out at night at the address Alfiya Avzalova str., 9. According to the results of the analysis of samples, exceeding the maximum permissible concentrations of hydrogen sulfide by 3 times was revealed. Such results, according to the database of existing sources of pollution, indicate the possible involvement of the landfill of LLC "PC "Vozrozhdenie" and SMW "Chemical". In this regard, inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration, specialists of the Ministry of Ecology and a mobile laboratory, together with employees of the Volga-Kama Interregional Department of Rosprirodnadzor, will visit the territory of these facilities (the landfill of LLC "PC "Vozrozhdenie" and SMW "Chemical") on August 25 to take atmospheric air samples.

We remind you, if you feel an unpleasant smell in a residential area or in a locality, then call: 8(843)238-98-54, 8(800)555-49-43 – Department of Rospotrebnadzor of the Republic of Tatarstan.

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