Environmentalists again took water samples from the "turned pink" lake in Zelenodolsk district

2 August 2022, Tuesday

Today, inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan and laboratory specialists went again to the Zelenodolsk district following complaints from residents.  

Let us recall that a day earlier, environmentalists had already carried out a visit to the village of Vasilevo, Zelenodolsk district. At the time of the survey of the territory no fish kill was detected, there was no pink tint on the surface of the water. Then experts selected samples of natural water. The results of the analysis are in the works.

This time, a video appeared on social networks in which the author suggests a "massive chemical discharge" into Lake Karasikha. Today, environmentalists again went to the village of Vasilevo, this time together with the applicant-the author of this video. The laboratory staff took a sample of natural water from the place indicated by the applicant. The pink hue on the surface of the water shown in the video was also not revealed. During the monitoring of the adjacent territory, a pipe was found, presumably, the purpose of which is to ensure the discharge of wastewater into the reservoir. At the time of the examination, no discharge was carried out. A request will be sent to the executive committee of the Zelenodolsk district to provide information about the balance holder of drainage networks. Based on the results of the analysis of samples and the establishment of the owner of the wastewater release, measures will be taken.

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