Landfill in Malye Kabany will be liquidated

27 July 2022, Wednesday

Today, inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan again went to the Laishevsky district following complaints from residents.

Earlier, according to citizens' appeals about the collapse of the container site on Tsentralnaya st. in the village of Malye Kabany, ecologists carried out a field visit. Then, during the survey of the territory, the fact of environmental violations was confirmed. A warning was sent to the Executive Committee of the Bolshekabansky rural settlement. The violation was eliminated, however, when ecologists made the visit for the second time, a huge amount of garbage accumulated on the container site again. This time, a claim was sent to the Executive Committee to eliminate this violation.

As of today, part of the garbage piles has been eliminated; work is underway to eliminate clutter.


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