Ecologists examined the territory of linked ponds in Almetyevsk

10 June 2022, Friday

According to a message on social networks about the presence of a film on a pond in the Linked Ponds Park, inspectors and specialists of the laboratory of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan carried out a visit to inspect the territory of the 1st stage of the Linked Ponds on Shevchenko Street. Water samples were taken by ecologists. According to the results of the analysis, no exceedances of the maximum permissible concentrations of pollutants were detected.

It was found that the phenomenon that worried the residents of the republic was a consequence of the flowering of plants. The presence of plant organic matter is observed on the surface of the water body. Part of the linked ponds is located in a green zone, and during the growing season there is a high concentration of pollen in the air. During the rain, it settles, appearing as a floating plaque.


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