Illegal dumping of mercury lamps in the village of Sultan-Ai was promptly eliminated

30 May 2022, Monday

Let us recall that unauthorized storage of mercury lamps on the territory of the Sultan-Ai settlement in Kazan was revealed by inspectors of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry after residents reported on social networks. The total area of the contaminated site was 30 sq.m. A warning about the disposal of the landfill was issued to the owner of the site.

Currently, the owner of the land plot of Capital Trust Invest Management Company LLC has fulfilled the environmentalists' warning. The landfill has been liquidated, the territory has been brought into proper sanitary and ecological condition.

According to the company, they have nothing to do with the pollution of the territory that occurred due to the fault of third parties: "Capital Trust Invest LLC does not use its land for storing production and consumption waste. The company owns a significant number of land plots within the city of Kazan and in the suburbs, which makes them impossible to protect from violators. The company's specialists regularly identify violations by third parties who use the company's land for organizing spontaneous landfills: construction debris, sawn trees, snow storage. On a weekly basis, specialists monitor the territory, during which unauthorized landfills are identified and monitored, including, if violations are detected, information is sent to the appropriate authorities. This information is promptly sent to the Ministry of Internal Affairs, the State Traffic Inspectorate, the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources and other structures."

The message also says that Capital Trust Invest Management Company LLC works in close cooperation with the state bodies of the Republic of Tatarstan, working out all incoming signals.


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