Ecologists held a career guidance meeting with students of the Chistopol Agricultural College named after Usmanov

18 March 2022, Friday

Inspectors of the Volga-Kama Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan told about the peculiarities of the profession and priorities in the work. The career guidance meeting was held at the GAPOU "Chistopol Agricultural College named after G. I. Usmanov". The children were introduced to the main tasks that the territorial administrations face. These are supervision, environmental monitoring, work with citizens' appeals and environmental education activities. During the meeting, environmentalists spoke about their work in the field of protection of atmospheric air, water and land resources, as well as in the field of waste management of production and consumption. In addition, students were informed about communication channels through which they can report violations of environmental legislation. During the meeting, students asked questions of interest to them, including about the conditions of employment. In memory of the meeting, the children were presented with books on environmental topics.

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