Ecologists of Priiksky TA found a snow dump in Aznakaevsky district

16 March 2022, Wednesday

The Ministry's "hotline" received an appeal about the illegal placement of waste from winter street cleaning on the territory of the village Aktubinsky.  Inspectors of the Priiksky territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan carried out a visit, during which the fact of unauthorized storage of snow was confirmed. The area of the contaminated area was 100 sq.m., the volume was 20 cubic meters.m. Snow samples were taken by laboratory specialists. In the analyses, there are exceedances of threshold limit value for chloride ion, manganese and petroleum products.

For violation of municipal improvement rules and violation of waste management rules, an administrative protocol was drawn up against an official under Part 1 of art.3.6 of the Administrative Code of the Republic of Tatarstan. The material was submitted to the administrative commission of the Aznakaevsky municipal district for decision-making.

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