CTA specialists have expanded the horizons of schoolchildren of the Pestrechinsky district

17 January 2022, Monday

What is air and what role does oxygen play in human life? The answers to these and other questions were learned by the students of MBOU "Pestrechinskaya Secondary School No. 2". Specialists of the Central Territorial Administration of the Ministry conducted an environmental lesson on the topic "What do we breath?". During the lesson, the children learned what the atmosphere is, what structure it has and what properties it has. Inspectors also told about the main sources of air pollution. To consolidate the theory – practice in a playful way. Environmentalists have prepared tasks for group work. As the inspectors note, the schools of the republic always take an active part in environmental campaigns. For their great contribution to the development of the eco-education system, the teachers of MBOU "Pestrechinskaya Secondary School No. 2" were awarded with diplomas and letters of thanks, children received teaching aids.

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