More than 450 kg of batteries were sent for recycling by residents of Buinsk

2 December 2021, Thursday

In the Zavolzhsky territorial administration of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan, an environmental campaign "Hand over batteries with Duracell" was held. More than 450 kg of spent batteries were collected for recycling by kindergartens and schools of the Buinsky district. MBOU "Gymnasium named after M.M. Vakhitov of Buinsk and MBDOU "Kindergarten of general development type "Teremok" of Buinsk showed special activity.

It should be noted that in order to increase the level of environmental awareness in schools and kindergartens, specialists of the Ministry of Ecology conduct educational lessons and master classes on the topic of caring for nature, including talking about the harm from improper disposal of batteries. 

Let us remind that the company OOO "Duracell Russia" has been implementing a pilot project in Tatarstan since 2019 to create a comprehensive infrastructure for collecting batteries. The purpose of the campaign is to attract children and adults to participate in the process of separate collection of SMW, in environmental actions, as well as to increase the environmental literacy of the population in general.  During the pilot project, more than 73 tons of used batteries were collected in Tatarstan alone.

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