"Goldfish" the ecological way. The eco-event was held in the Tyulyachinsky district

11 October 2021, Monday

A fairy tale about a goldfish was performed, songs sung and waste sorting was learned about. In kindergarten No. 3 of the village of Tyulyachi, teachers of the educational institution conducted an environmental lesson. The event was attended by specialists of the Northern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan and employees of the "ASHIT" GPKZ. As part of the lesson, environmentalists introduced the children to the activities of the department, told about the specifics of the profession and answered their questions. "Thanks to such events, children are learning more and more about ecology, they are developing the ability to perceive the beauty of nature and the desire to preserve it," the employees of the Northern TA noted. Environmentalists thanked preschoolers for their active participation in environmental initiatives, and teachers for their noble work.

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