The diversity of the surrounding world. An eco-lesson was held for the children of the Arsk rehabilitation center

7 October 2021, Thursday

The information and educational lesson for the children of the children's rehabilitation center "The Source of Hope" in Arsk was conducted by specialists of the Northern Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan together with the staff of the State Agricultural Complex "Ashit".

The students of the center were introduced to the diversity of nature, the correct behavior in relation to flora and fauna, and the ecological rules for nature protection were repeated in a playful way. There was also a quiz about the biodiversity of water bodies and a children's cartoon "Lolo the Penguin" was shown.

At the end of the event, young ecologists visited the branch of the central library in the multifunctional center of Arsk. "Nature is an irreplaceable source of beauty, it provides the richest material for the development of perception, observation and imagination. We saw in the eyes of the children an interest in the topic of environmental conservation. We hope that the memorable gifts presented by us will help to better assimilate the acquired knowledge," said the specialist of the Northern Tour Firdaus Latvian.

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