Violation of the license conditions for the extraction of CUM was stopped in the Cheremshansky district

22 September 2021, Wednesday

Violation of the terms of the license agreement was detected and stopped by the inspectors of the South-Eastern TA of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan during the survey of the Cheremshansky district. Environmentalists found an excavator engaged in the extraction of common minerals (limestone) at the "Nizhne Chegodayskoye" subsurface area. The company that carried out mining operations on this territory did not previously transfer land from the agricultural category to industrial land, which is non-compliance with the requirements of the terms of the license agreement.

The organization extracted more than 8 thousand tons of limestone, the area of the quarry development was about 4 thousand square meters, the depth of the subsoil withdrawal was 2-6 m.

A protocol has been drawn up against the guilty person under Part 2 of Article 7.3 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of the conditions provided for by the license for the use of mineral resources", the violator faces a fine of 300 thousand to 500 thousand rubles.

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