An environmental campaign to clean up the territory was held on the Lokomotiv beach in Kazan

17 September 2021, Friday

The event was organized within the framework of the federal project "Preservation of unique water bodies" of the "Ecology" national project. 

The campaign was attended by 50 concerned residents - students of gymnasiums No. 94 and No. 2, activists, volunteers. "In total, 60 bags of garbage were collected, most of the waste was made up of glass and plastic bottles. Among the overall finds on the shore, 8 car tires and large metal objects can be noted," the activists said.  From the bottom, the divers of the underwater research team named after A. A. Leonov lifted metal structures, a rubber boot and part of a plastic billboard.

"By the way, the iron turnstile that I lifted from the bottom, was covered with shells, which means it was under water for a long time. We urge everyone to observe the basic rules of behavior in nature and not to throw garbage in the wrong places, " diver Maxim Astakhov addresses Tatarstan residents.

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