More than 1000 residents of Tatarstan visited the ecological holiday in the Baltasinsky district

26 July 2021, Monday

Last weekend, an ecological holiday "It will be clean in Tatarstan!" was held in the village of Burbash in the Baltasinsky district. The first event in 2021 was organized within the framework of the XIV Republican Children's Muslim Sabantuy using a grant from the President of the Russian Federation.

The holiday gathered children, their parents, activists and residents of the districts of Tatarstan on its site. At the event, participants were able to replenish their eco-knowledge by visiting lectures, educational master classes, as well as recharge their positive energy by taking part in interactive games and competitions. If at the educational master classes the participants got acquainted with such topical environmental topics as separate waste collection, environmental expertise of food products, construction of an eco-house, calculation of the ecological footprint of a person, ecotourism, then they enthusiastically participated in the intellectual games "ECOQUIZ" and "Guess a place in Tatarstan" at the game zones. For the creative guests of the holiday, there were also sites for drawing, decorating eco-bags and knitting jute sponges. The station of the eco-laboratory also attracted the most erudite participants with entertaining experiments based on knowledge of the law of physics and chemistry. As part of the event, the collection of waste paper, plastic, as well as a collection point for used batteries was organized.

More than 1.000 residents of the districts of the republic passed the program of the ecological holiday for 6 hours. The participants personally saw how easy and interesting it is to develop an ecological culture within the walls of their native home. The next ecological holidays "It will be clean in Tatarstan!" will be held in such localities as Aznakaevo (July 31), Mendeleevsk (August 7), Tyulyachi (August 21) and Mamadysh (August 28). Join along!

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