300 sq. m. m of lumpy asphalt waste was illegally unloaded in the Privolzhsky district of Kazan

28 June 2021, Monday

The Central Territorial Department of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan received an appeal from citizens about the unauthorized placement of production and consumption waste on Technicheskaya Street. Ecologists promptly carried out a visit to the specified address, during the survey of the territory, the fact of environmental violations was confirmed.  Scrap asphalt and asphalt concrete pavement, as well as the product of processing old asphalt coatings, which are crumbs with bituminous residues, littered the site on an area of 300 sq. m, the volume was 160 cubic meters.

Currently, environmentalists have sent a request to the Department of the Federal Register of the Republic of Tatarstan to establish data on the rightholder of the land plot.

Тэги: ekonadzor CTA
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