12.5 thousand cubic meters of contaminated wastewater will be treated per year at new treatment plants in the village of Koshchakovo

25 June 2021, Friday

We remind that the construction of biological treatment facilities in the village of Koshchakovo of the Pestrechinsky district is entering the final stage. The work is carried out within the framework of the federal project "Improving the Volga River" of the "Ecology" national project, the implementation is 94%. First Deputy Minister of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan Airat Shigapov, together with representatives of the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan and the district administration, conducted an inspection of the facility, whose capacity after commissioning will be 400 m3/day. "The main goal is to improve the quality of wastewater treatment to the legislative standard," Airat Shigapov said. - Water will be discharged from this object into Knox, which already flows into the Kazanka River and is a tributary of the Kuibyshev reservoir." 

As the head of the executive committee of the Pestrechinsky district Albert Khabibullin explained, the need for the construction of new communications has been overdue for a long time, the existing BTP could not cope with the discharge standards, as they are morally and technically outdated: "The new treatment facilities are modern, they are underground and comply with the current SNIPS and standards. The facility will serve about 3 thousand people of the population and social facilities."

"The construction cost is about 120 million rubles, of which 81% are federal budget funds," added Airat Gallyamov, head of the Housing and Communal Services Department of the Ministry of Construction of the Republic of Tatarstan.  

It should be noted that Tatarstan actively participates in the implementation of the "Ecology" national project.  The main goal of the federal project "Improvement of the Volga" is to reduce the share of polluted wastewater discharged into the Volga River by three times. To date, thanks to the federal project, 12 biological treatment facilities of the republic have undergone reconstruction and construction.

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