Take part in "My ECOsummer" action

24 June 2021, Thursday

"My ECOsummer" –a campaign under this name will start on July 12 in the courtyards of cities and settlements of the Republic of Tatarstan. The marathon is organized by activists of "It will be clean" movement for children aged 5-13 years. Teams that will join the Youth Environmental Movement "It will be clean" will be able to take part on the official website http://budetchisto.tatar/, it is also necessary to be a member of the movement group in the social network "VKontakte" https://vk.com/budetchisto_tatar and be subscribed to the Instagram page @budetchisto.tatar. One can register for participation by following the link: https://clck.ru/NeJop . One must apply from June 22, 2021 to August 15, 2021 before 12: 00.

Detailed information about the Marathon is available on the website https://budetchisto.tatar in the section "Activities – Educational campaigns and projects".

Тэги: eco-education
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