Drilling of a well led to an environmental violation in Naberezhnye Chelny

23 June 2021, Wednesday

At the request of a citizen, the inspectors of the Prikamsky TA of the Ministry of Ecology and Natural Resources of the Republic of Tatarstan carried out a visit to the territory of the Soyuz-N SNT in Naberezhnye Chelny. During the survey, the fact of drilling a well for the purpose of extracting fresh water for their own needs was revealed, as a result of which the spring was affected, which led to the overflow of the well and flooding of the neighboring site. As environmentalists found out, an individual did not previously coordinate drilling operations with the agency.

A protocol on an administrative offense against the owner of the site under Article 8.9 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Violation of the requirements for the protection of mineral resources and hydromineral resources" and Article 8.1 of the Administrative Code of the Russian Federation "Non-compliance with environmental requirements in the implementation of urban planning activities and operation of enterprises, structures or other objects" was drawn up, penalties were imposed. Also, an individual has been issued an order for the removal of wastewater from the land plot.

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