In Almetyevsk, bailiffs collected a fine from "Agrotorg", OOO and "X5-repair", OOO

15 June 2021, Tuesday

The court of Almetyevsk found the company guilty and imposed a fine of 100 thousand rubles. However, the company was in no hurry to repay the fine. As part of the enforcement proceedings, the bailiff established the property status of the debtor organization and applied the debt collection to the settlement accounts. As a result of the measures taken by the service employee, the debt was repaid in full, including the enforcement fee – 10 thousand rubles for late execution of the requirements of the enforcement documents.

We recall that in April 2020, inspectors of the South-Eastern Territorial Administration of the Ministry of Ecology of the Republic of Tatarstan revealed a violation of environmental legislation, namely unauthorized storage of waste. Construction debris formed as a result of repair work in one of the shops "Pyaterochka" (legal entity – "Agrotorg", OOO), the general contractor – "X5-repair", OOO – was taken out and dumped on the ground. The company's fault was established after studying the morphological composition of the garbage.

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