Take part in the contest "Ecology – Reliable partner"

8 June 2021, Tuesday

Applications for participation in the III All-Russian competition "Ecology – Reliable partner" are still being accepted. The event is supported by the Committee of the Federation Council on Agrarian and Food Policy and Environmental Management, the Ministry of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Energy of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Industry and Trade of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Construction and Housing of the Russian Federation, the Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation and the Government of the City of Moscow. The organizer is the Association "Reliable Partner" together with the Russian Ecological Society.

The main objective of the competition is to assist federal and regional state authorities in the effective implementation of the activities of the national project "Ecology" in terms of identifying the most successful and effective regional environmental practices and projects. Also, popularization among the business community and the population of the country of the processes of technological and organizational changes in various sectors of the economy, implemented both under the auspices of the National Project "Ecology", and on an initiative basis, giving a new status to the leaders of environmental modernization.

Projects that meet the terms of the competition and are implemented in 2020 are allowed to participate. Last year, 274 Russian organizations from 50 regions were admitted to participate in the "Competition", including large industrial and energy companies, small and medium-sized businesses, non-profit organizations and organizations of higher professional education, local governments.

Applications are accepted in 27 categories:

- The best project to reduce emissions of harmful substances into the atmospheric air/ ensure environmental safety of the atmospheric air

- The best project to provide the population with clean drinking water

- The best project to reduce the negative impact of industrial enterprises and housing and communal services on water bodies

- The best project in the field of ecology, implemented within the framework of corporate and social responsibility programs.

- The best project for the effective management of SMW.

- The best project for the efficient management of industrial waste.

- The best educational project in the field of ecology.

- The best educational (including informational) project in the field of ecology.

- The best environmental project in the retail sector.

- The best environmental project in the field of agriculture.

- The best project in the field of eco-tourism development.

- The best project in the field of forest conservation.

- The best project in the field of conservation of biological diversity.

- The best project in the field of elimination of accumulated environmental damage.

- The best project in the field of development of generation based on renewable energy sources.

- The best environmental project implemented on the territory of single-industry towns and closed administrative-territorial entities.

- The best project implemented in the field of processing (involvement in turnover) secondary raw materials.

- The best project in the field of energy saving and energy efficiency improvement.

- The best project for the development of infrastructure and support for "new energy vehicle" and eco-friendly modes of transport.

- The best project in the field of digitalization of ecology.

- Digitalization in the field of waste management of production and consumption. The most active participant of GIS OPVK.

- Digitalization in the field of waste management of production and consumption. The most active subject is a member of the GIS OPVK.

- The best project of "Green" financing.

- The best project of "Green" construction, including low-rise buildings.

- The best "Green" project of the oil and gas industry.

- The best" Green " project of the coal industry.

- The best prospective project and development.

One can apply until August 16, 2021.  For more information about the categories and stages of the competition, please visit the website https://topecopro.ru/.

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