Improvement of the Volga in regions. Implementation of the federal project was evaluated by the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kobylkin

3 April 2020, Friday

The implementation of the federal project “Improvement of the Volga” of the national project “Ecology” was discussed today at a video conferencing meeting, chaired by the Minister of Natural Resources and Ecology of the Russian Federation Dmitry Kobylkin. All constituent entities of Russia, in whose territory a federal project is being implemented, took part in the discussion.

Let us recall that in 2020, 8 facilities are being implemented in the Republic of Tatarstan in the framework of the regional project “Improvement of the Volga” in the direction: “Reduction of the share of polluted wastewater discharged into the Volga river”, transferring from 2019.

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